Progressive Overload with Squats

We are back with another progressive overload blog! This time we are progressively overloading SQUATS!! One of our favorites, and a cornerstone for any good booty program. This is a movement we do daily at Booty Lab and it is a great way to work your glutes, quads, hamstrings, hip flexors and calves! Did you know they did all that??

Progressive Overload Recap

We have covered progressive overload many times before, so we won’t take up too much of your time here. We just want to make sure you understand this before getting into it! In brief, progressive overload is essentially increasing the demand for your muscles, or increasing the intensity of your workout routine without modifying your current program. AKA, progressive overload means increasing your weight, reps or frequency once you get to a point where the workout no longer challenges you. 

How to do a Squat

Here are the steps to doing a basic squat movement. Since squats are included in pretty much every booty program, it’s imperative that you master this fundamental exercise!

Squat steps:

  1. Stand with your feet  hip-width apart 
  2. Hinging at the hips, send them backwards and bend at your knees lowering yourself down
  3. Keep chest upright maintaining good posture 
  4. Drive (press) through your heels maintaining a braced core to return to start position. 

Tip: When doing a body weight squat (a squat without extra weights), you can position your hands wherever is most comfortable for you. On your hips, straight out in front of you or clutched closer to your chest.

    Ways to progressively overload a Squat

    Once you have mastered the basic movements of a squat (above), here are some ways that you can progress the movement. Follow along with Coach Hannah in the video above! 

    1. Add weight! Whether its a barbell, dumbbells or a kettlebell, adding weight/resistance will test your muscles and encourage them to adapt to the added stress. 
    2. Eccentric squat. AKA slow it down! Move slower as you lower down into your squat to gain endurance and test your muscles with time under tension.
    3. Squat pause at bottom. Hold your squat at the bottom a little longer to also add extra resistance to your muscles. 

    In all of these situations, you can also add extra weight! Either add plates to the barbell or use heavier dumbbells and kettlebells. 

    As always, a warm up is essential! Take time before your workout to stretch and warm up the muscles you will be using during your workout. Additionally, if you are using a barbell or other large weights like Hannah is, make sure it is set up properly and you have a spotter near by to help if anyting were to happen. We want to make sure we are doing all we can to prevent any serious injuries. 

    When to know you’re ready to progress

    One indicator that it is time to progress your workout is when your workout is no longer challenging you. Once the weight you have been lifting is no longer as challenging as it was when you started, it’s time to add more! Or, once your usual rep range becomes easier to complete, increase the amount of reps you are doing. The decision to increase weight or reps is really up to you, although they usually work together. 

    If you need help doing this or are looking for access to this type of equipment, join us in the gym! You can also do these types of workouts and get guidance for progressing through our virtual training program. Make sure you keep up with our blog and social media to learn more workout tips!

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