Tips for Virtual Training


In the past couple years we have introduced virtual training as one of our fitness packages, and we LOVE it!! Virtual training can be a great option for you if you have a busy schedule or are just looking for some structure to your workout plan. Today, we are here to give you some tips on virtual training if you are already participating, or are thinking of giving it a try.

Benefits of Virtual Training

Virtual training can be great because you make your schedule! You are able to get involved in a fitness program and work on your goals on your own time. The program gives you the workouts and the outline, but you get to decide what time of the day you do them. While the schedule/timing aspect of virtual training is usually what attracts most people to that sort of program, it’s also nice because you still get to be part of a fitness community! Although you are working out on your own either at home or at a gym, you still have access to our app and our facebook group where you can talk to our trainers and others in the program to offer encouragement and friendship.

Specifically talking about Booty Lab virtual training, it is a full-body program that you can follow from warm-up to progression videos either at home or at a gym. You have access to all of the real-time virtual studio workouts through our app, where you can also track all of your progress. No printable documents or spreadsheets. Just open the app and you’re ready to workout! Easy peasy. 

Tips for Virtual Training

If you are using the virtual training program to workout in a gym, here are a few tips:

  • Check the workout ahead of time so you know what type of space/equipment you may need (The workouts can be done without equipment, but I recommend purchasing a Glute Loop or similar resistance band to get that extra burn!)
  • Wear an outfit that you feel good in!
  • Make sure your headphones and phone are charged
  • Listen to some pump up music on the way to the gym
  • Eat something before your workout, you don’t want to workout on an empty stomach
  • Take your water bottle with you

If you are using the virtual training program to workout at home, here are some tips:

  • Create a peaceful and clean workout space in your home with good lighting and enough room to move
  • Change into workout clothes (it can be easy to just workout in whatever you already have on, but sometimes putting on a workout outfit can be motivation in itself!)
  • Same as the gym workouts, make sure you eat something before your workout and have your water ready
  • Cast the virtual workout to your computer or tv instead of your phone so you get a better view
  • Turn your phone on do-not-disturb to avoid any distractions

For both in-gym or at-home workouts remember to stay in contact with your trainer and others in the program through the app and the facebook group! (Our head coach, Rebecca, will check in with you once a week. But you will also have 24/7 access to us through your app. If you have questions or need a little extra encouragement, we are here for you!) Even though you aren’t working out with us in the gym, you are still part of the Booty Lab fam! Utilize your access to community and accountability to help you in reaching your goals!


If you are interested in joining our virtual training, you can learn more on our website and talk to a trainer about getting started! 

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