Today I ate fast food

Today I ate fast food.

I ate fast food because I was busy, tired, sad, angry, depressed, craving it, etc. …

After I ate it, I immediately felt guilty.

So I proceeded to tell everyone that I feel bad about myself for eating fast food. 

Is this you? 

Be Good, Not Perfect

Hey! We’ve all been there.

One thing I always encourage all my clients to do is be good, not perfect. I know, I know everybody believes all you have to do is flexible dieting.

Well, first of all, I strongly dislike the word diet. Diet means to me that there is an endpoint. Our society is continually pushing information on what’s the best way to lose weight or what “quick diet” can you do to get in shape for bikini season.

The reality… there is no quick fix. I know! It’s not cute, and it doesn’t have an excellent package for marketing, but it’s the truth

Creating a Healthy Lifestyle

So, how do you maintain a flexible diet and create a healthy lifestyle that allows you sometimes to eat fast food or occasionally have a piece of a cake or sometimes drink alcohol? 

Quick answer: Change doesn’t happen overnight! This happens through habits.

For example, how do you do anything else in your life? You start small, and you build on that. You create a schedule, and before too long, it is a permanent habit in your plan. Your eating and fitness routine habits are the same way!

Sure it may take longer to build these habits, but if you start small with one or two things, over time you will maintain these things.

Have you ever heard of a person just going out and running a marathon? No!!! Because it doesn’t happen! So, how do you expect to lose 20 pounds in a week? How do you plan to gain muscle in a month?

You cannot look like a fitness model in a month or two months or maybe even three months; it takes time! I have been in this industry for over ten years, and I can promise you the habits that I have made have taken me time and energy to commit to the change. 

Start Small and Build

So, my recommendation is to cut yourself some slack! Start small and build on that habit first! If you want to create a healthy lifestyle, you don’t create an endpoint for striving to eat healthily and exercise. You find new things that make you happy and continue on your journey.

My journey hasn’t stopped, and each year, I find myself searching for the next step. Take a minute and think about where you see yourself in a year? Do you want to be working on the same fitness and health goals? Or do you want to be living your life to the fullest? Stop making excuses for why you can’t and start making small steps to creating new habits. You are not alone.

Keep in mind: be good enough not perfect!

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