Busting Fitness & Nutrition Myths


If you are anywhere near the world of fitness and nutrition, you know that there are a lot of myths and lies that circulate around about weight loss, weight gain, nutrition, etc. Today we are taking a look at some of the most “popular” and setting the record straight! It’s time to bust some fitness and nutrition myths!

Myth 1: Spot Reduction

Genetics dictates where you lose and gain weight. You can’t do certain exercises with the hopes of losing or gaining fat in a specific area.

Nutrition is a huge factor in reaching specific weight goals. In order to lose weight you need to be in a calorie deficit. Meaning, you are burning more calories than you are intaking. Your body then uses energy stored in fat cells, which helps them decrease in size. Alternatively, when aiming to gain weight or muscle, you need to be in a calorie surplus. Meaning, you are intaking more calories than you are burning off in exercise. These too cannot be done to target a certain area of your body, it is comprehensive.

Myth 2: Lifting Heavy Makes You Bulky

The bigger the weights means the bigger the muscles

Nutrition also plays a role here! The people that have muscles have them because they chose to have muscles through diet and exercise. You can’t just pick up some heavy weights and bam! Muscles! It is just as hard to build muscle, if not harder than losing weight. Nutrition is how you build muscle, and consistency over time creates the body.  

Myth 3: Cardio Equals Weight Loss

You can’t outwork a poor diet. It doesn’t matter what exercise you choose or how often you do it. Like we said earlier, your diet plays a large role in weight loss, it works with your exercising to really make a difference. Believe it or not, lifting weights can also help you lose weight!! As long as you are burning more calories than you are eating, it doesn’t necessarily matter the type of movement or exercise you are doing to achieve that. It also plays a large part when you are trying to gain weight or muscle. Eating high protein foods can help aid in this process.

Things can get confusing and overwhelming when you start to believe some of these myths. It’s important to be in the right head space and know what the truth is behind your fitness journey. You don’t want to be doing a bunch of work only to find out it was the wrong type of work. If you ever have any questions about things you hear online or from a friend, shoot us a DM or contact us on our website! We will be happy to clear things up for you!

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