Types of Squats

Did you know that there are many different types of squats? Most people only think of your traditional squats, but there are a VARIETY of squat styles that work multiple angles of your glutes and course, those legs. Check out our new blog for some of the different squats you can add to your strength training routine! 

BB Back Squat

Place your hands on the bar at least shoulder width apart. Position the barbell behind you on the top of your shoulders. Keep your chest up and your back straight. Go through the basic squat movement.

BB Front Squat

Place your hands on the bar shoulder width apart. Ensure that the bar always touches your neck during the movement. Keep your chest up and your back straight. Go through the basic squat movement. You’ll notice that you are more upright than your Back squat.

Goblet Squat

Place your feet at or slightly wider than hip-width apart with your toes angled outward. Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell at your chest with your elbows remaining in tightly.  Sit your hips back and bend at the knees as if you are lowering yourself into a chair. Your elbows should be touching the inside of each knee. Press your weight into your heels and push through to stand up, squeezing your glutes at the top.

Offset Squat

Hold a kettlebell in one hand, keeping your hand close to your chest with your wrist in a neutral position. Place your feet, so they are at least or slightly wider than the hip-width apart. Brace your core, keep your back straight and lower down into a squat. As you push yourself up, squeeze your glutes at the top.

Double KB Front Squat

Similar to the single arm KB squat, except hold a kettlebell in each hand again, keeping the hands close to your chest with wrists neutral. Place your feet, so they are at least or slightly wider than the hip-width apart. Brace your core, keep your back straight and lower down into a squat. As you push yourself up, squeeze your glutes at the top.

Pistol Squat

Pistol squats can be very tricky and require a lot of practice. A great progression to this squat variation is a single-leg squat to a box or bench. Which we demonstrate in the video prior to the Pistol. Start with feet fairly close together and keep your arms out in front of you to counterbalance the movement. Lifting one leg slightly off the ground in front of you, with the leg that is planted, bend your knee and hinge at the hips to lower yourself down to where you are almost sitting on your heel. Push through your heel to stand back up.

You can find more info on progressing into a pistol squat here

Squats are just one of the fundamental lifts that we incorporate in our programs here at Booty Lab. Adding different variations help to build strength and variety and always works those glutes. Try out one or all of these squats in your next booty workout!

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