October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month – Decrease Your Risk Through Diet

By: Sara Rose, Nutrition & Exercise Science Intern

It’s that time of the year- a chill is starting to set in the air, people are bringing out their boots and sweaters, and leaves are starting to change color and fall.  With NFL games in full swing, many teams will start to add a new color to their gear, and towns will “paint” their streets with you guessed it, Pink!  October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Many people will show their support in raising awareness, as it has affected so many throughout this nation. The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) has shed light on several foods that can fight and decrease risk of Breast Cancer, as well as several other types of cancer.  Here are just a few of the known cancer- fighting foods:

Cruciferous Vegetables (Including broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and especially



Green Tea

Pomegranate Seeds

So why do these foods and drinks protect against breast cancer? The answer lies in the various nutrients and phytochemicals contained within the bright exteriors.  The AICR defines a phytochemical as a naturally occurring plant compound that has the potential to reduce the oxidative damage that can occur in body cells.  This oxidative damage is what increases risk of cancer and other inflammatory conditions.   Phytochemicals are known to slow the growth rate of different cancer cells as well as defend against their presence in the first place.

Cruciferous Vegetables, especially Kale, contain strong anti-cancer properties and are known for specifically fighting breast and colon cancer.   Cruciferous vegetables contain a class of phytochemical known as glucosinolates- these organic sulfur and nitrogen-containing compounds fight off specific diseases.

Berries are abundant in ellagic acid, which is a phytochemical that plays the role of powerful antioxidant to decrease oxidative damage in the body.  Ellagic acid disables specific carcinogens and slows reproduction of cancer cells.

Green Tea contains catechins, which are a class of flavonoids contributing to potent antioxidant activity.  By including green tea in the diet, one can possibly reduce risk of developing breast and colon cancers, and possibly lower risk of bladder, stomach and pancreatic cancers.

Pomegranate seeds, known as arils, are high in the polyphenols quercetin and anthocyanin.  These specific polyphenols have been frequently studied for their great anticancer properties; they are also rich in the well-known antioxidant, vitamin C.

These are just a few of the many foods that help fight and prevent cancer.  More powerful anti-cancer foods can be found on the American Institute for Cancer Research website.  The best advice is to eat a diet that is full of a variety of colorful vegetables and fruits.  Breast cancer has likely affected most of us in one way or another.  So in the spirit of Breasts Cancer Awareness month this October, help promote a healthy lifestyle by serving yourself up some of these miracle foods at every meal!

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