I Don’t Do Cheat Days
In my opinion and experience, I think cheat days or meals create an unhealthy relationship with food, much like calorie counting. If you have read any of my past blogs, you know that I am not a fan of counting calories or macros.
For some time now, I have listened to gyms and organizations push having a cheat day or a cheat meal to indulge in foods that they usually can’t eat. The problem with these designated days or meals is people, because we are human, tend to go overboard. If you’re typically not allowed or avoiding these foods, then the moment you’re in front of them, you’re going to go hard. At least in my experience and with my clients, it’s happened.
You’re Creating An Unhealthy Relationship with Food
I couldn’t even enjoy going out to eat, which I LOVE! because I had to break out my phone and input each food into My Fitness Pal. Again, every situation and person is different, but coming from a person that never had this issue before, I realized that I created these unrealistic expectations for myself through deciding in advance when I could eat something “bad” or “unhealthy.”
Here’s What to Do Instead
So, some advice on how to enjoy and indulge in foods that you wouldn’t necessarily eat every day?
First: Stop avoiding foods and telling yourself not to eat x,y, and z.
Second: Instead, when your craving a specific food, have it. The world will not end if you eat a snickers bar or some pizza or bread. I find that when I crave certain foods, I enjoy them so much more.
Three: Once you’ve enjoyed it, go back to the regular weekly foods that keep you healthy and working towards your goals.
I can’t emphasize enough the need for balance! I would be doing my clients and myself an injustice if I pushed an unrealistic lifestyle.
There is nothing wrong with wanting aesthetic goals and setting boundaries for yourself, but remember to enjoy the process, remember the reason behind the process.
And do me a favor… eat a cheeseburger or have a glass of prosecco on me. Your body and your mind will thank you.

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