Anti- Aging and Nutrition

Nutrition- Your Skin’s Fountain of Youth By: Morgan Davis, RD, LDN, CSSD You apply broad-spectrum sun screen, exfoliate weekly and avoid paraben-containing skin care products, all in hopes that beautiful, smooth skin will last throughout your lifetime.  However, most...

Strawberries: The Taste of Summer

Strawberries   By: Morgan Davis, R.D., LDN, CSSD     You take a bite into the plump, juicy, red, heart-shaped fruit and sweet juices spill out onto your fingertips- spring is here and strawberry season is upon us!  While most people don’t hesitate to...

April Food Spotlight: Mushrooms

April Food Spotlight: Mushrooms Morgan Davis, RD, LDN, CSSD Registered Dietitian Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics   While many assume that mushrooms are devoid of nutrition due to their unassuming color, mushrooms are in fact a nutrient-rich food that can...

Spring Into Local Cuisine

Spring into Local Cuisine By Morgan Davis, RD, LDN   Tis the season for local eating!   Area farmer’s markets will start to share their bounty this month.  After this especially long winter, the thought of crisp and colorful fruits and vegetables is a welcome...
4 Ways to Make Healthy Food Taste Better

4 Ways to Make Healthy Food Taste Better

The average American diet is high in fat, salt, and sugar. These ingredients, especially salt, are what make unhealthy, processed foods so appealing. What you may not know, however, is that a diet high in salt elevates your blood pressure and puts a heavy strain on...