If life could only be simple, oh, the things we would accomplish. Well, the good news is that it can be simple to meal plan and eat healthy (and delicious!)
In the field of personal training, I am commonly asked, “what are you eating today?” Clients always want ideas on what to eat for meals and snacks. Sometimes it is very daunting to think “what do I want to eat?” or “what can I make that my family would like?”
As soon as you come up with that magical meal or solution you and your family will like, the process resets the very next day. On the other hand, you could prep your meals on Sunday for the week, which will take you all day. Then, you realize you spent your entire weekend planning and prepping meals instead of enjoying your weekend. The cycle is endless!
Simple is my favorite word when talking about food and food prep. I have tons of experience on both ends of the spectrums when it comes to food.
So, how do you find something simple and easy that doesn’t require too much time? The easiest solution to this question is: don’t plan specific meals at all! Say what??? She must be crazy!!!!! Well, if you’re doing either of the two preps above and your feeling overwhelmed, then you may need to be a little crazy to break the cycle.
First, start by deciding what things do you want to eat. I like to pick a couple of proteins that I would want for the week then I see what vegetables are in season. Frozen is also a great option.
Once you have established your protein and veggies, you are ready to begin meal prep. Ok, ok, relax don’t start running for the hills with that word. It’s just a word used to replace “planning!” See all better!
Remember, you can never go wrong because you start with foods “you” chose that “you” want to eat! This is not a meal that someone gave you in a meal plan that you are only eating because you were told it’s healthy or a “healthier” option. This is something you chose!
I find that when I make personal choices, I stick with it which equals better results! If your’e still a person that gets stuck with a whole bunch a good food but nothing to make, that’s ok!
Welcome to the world of social media! Yes, Google can be the Wild Wild West (insert that Will Smith song, haha!!) or as my sister would say,” Google is life!” I’m talking about Pinterest. This is a great place to take the foods you already have and find healthy options. Some may consider it the Bible of foods (ME!).
So, key take away to meal ideas. Pick foods you actually want to eat! Meals don’t have to look like you took all day to prepare and keep in mind, if all else fails search Google or Pinterest!

Happy prepping!