A Recipe For Discipline”


You have survived the first week of the Transformation Competition! This week might have been tough to start so many new habits at once, but you did it! You not only survived the week, but you were successful! We are so proud of the progress you have each made this week and you should be even more proud of yourself. The workouts may become more challenging and the change in heating habits may become more overwhelming, but remember you’re in charge and you have the ability to succeed.


As we start the first weekend in the challenge we want you to remain motivated and be ready to go in full gear on Monday. Read the article below “A Recipe For Discipline,” by the founder of Training For Warriors, Martin Rooney. With discipline you can accomplish your wildest dreams!

If you want what other people don’t have, you must be willing to do what other people won’t do. Find out what stops everyone else and do it!


1. Start with Responsibility  
Add 1 Pinch of “Do what you say you’re going to do.” Responsibility is a good thing to talk about. And talking about it is the extent of a lot of people’s responsibility. But in the real world, you are what you do, not what you say. Seems that a lot of us don’t have a “to do list” but a “to blame list” – a really long list of all the reasons that we haven’t done something, none of which include our own personal responsibility. Throw the “to blame list” away and start accepting responsibility for your actions.


 2. Sprinkle in Accountability 
Add 1 Dash of “Do it when you say you are going to do it.” Being dependable is an important trait. You can only follow through on things when you actually follow through on them. If you say you are going to do something, you have to get it done. You are either accountable or, like most people, have a long list of excuses why you aren’t.
3. Drop in Some Effort
Add 1 Cup of “Do it to the best of your ability.” Effort is defined as force applied against inertia –even if that force is you! Your best effort will never let you down, but it is a rarity for people to do their absolute best. Pick the next thing you are working on and use that as an opportunity to go all out.

4. Stir in Consistency
Add 1 Heaping Tablespoon of “All the time.” The people you’re working with deserve the best you’ve got and your family deserves the best you’ve got – each time and every time. To ever be known as responsible or accountable, you are going to have to prove yourself over time and with consistent action.

5. Whisk all the ingredients together, bake in an oven of desire and cool on a plate of passion.

When properly performed, this recipe results in:

Discipline: To do what you say you are going to do, when you say you are going to do it, to the best of your ability, all the time.

Remember, it’s not what you’ve done, it’s what you’re doing right now that defines you. While others lack consistency, allow their efforts to drop and fall away from the path to their goals, YOU can decide to cook up a fresh plate of Discipline.