A sneak peek into our past benefit work outs


What is donation based group personal training

Group personal training is an organized work out where you pair up with two to three other people and go through stations. A coach leads every station. These coaches have been thoroughly trained in modifying exercises to individual levels. All fitness levels are welcomed to attend these work outs. You decide how much you want to donate at the end of the work out. There is no minimum fee.


The work out

These work outs are designed to burn the maximum amount of fat while retaining/building muscle. A great combination to get ready for bathing suit season! They are meant to challenge you, however, we recommend that you let us know about any limitations that you may have, so that we may modify it to your needs.



Our past participants enjoy the work outs because it gives them the fun group atmosphere with the touch of a personal training session.


Where the healing begins

March is dedicated to benefiting the Carousel Center for abused and neglected children. An organization that touched our hearts when they took us on a tour of their place. They play a signifcat role in finding evidence to prosecute offenders. More importantly, they guide children through the healing and recovery process.

Our goal is to raise $1000 to help support the noble work that is done by this organization.

If you have any questions or concerns please email me at jonathan@wilmingtonperformancelab.com or call us at 910-399-5441


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