This is something I’ve wanted to write about for a long time. At some point, everyone is affected by this feeling of workout burnout. I personally have felt this multiple times in my life and have experienced this through my clients as well. This is a really personal topic because we don’t always know why this happens!
Even though I am a fitness professional, I struggle with finding my drive from day to day. People look up to me to be their motivation and the hardest part is motivating people when you can’t seem to motivate yourself! So, here’s a couple of things that I have found to help me through the lull in a health and fitness journey.
First, let me start by saying, we put way too much pressure on ourselves as women. It’s really hard to navigate through all the chaos of the day.
We have so many demands in our lives beginning with work, home life, partners, friends, family, the list goes on! On top of all of this, we are expected to look like supermodels or now “Instagram models!” The pressure can be overwhelming.
Everywhere you look it’s some perfect person, living the perfect life. It looks like they have it all! So, my first piece of advice is “good enough” not perfection.
This has really worked well in my life. I find when I think this way, I am far more satisfied. I want to live a healthy life, but I also want to live my life. Abs are not always high on that list. Does that mean I’m not in good shape? Does not having abs mean I’m not healthy or a good trainer? Absolutely NOT! I have been many different shapes over my life and I have found that the shape that is “good enough” has been my best!
Sometimes life leaves us not feeling very motivated in the gym. Boy, have I been there!
I work at a gym everyday training clients who look to me for inspiration. So, what happens when I get off my workout routine? This is a time for self-reflection for me.
What do I really want? What motivates me? I am constantly changing my personal goals. This is important because sometimes my goals are to get as many pull-ups as I can. Others, I just want to get my hip thrust super strong! Why do you think so many people come to me as a trainer?
People are looking for a change. They are looking for something different, and they want goals to push them to the next step in their fitness life. Typically, we have some special date or deadline in our head that we want to be at X weight or X fitness level.
Why do you think 5k races, triathlons, mud runs, etc. are so popular? People love to have a motivation or something to drive them to reach these goals.
My advice would take the time you need to figure out what it is YOU WANT! Self-reflect to make sure that it’s something that really motivates you. This is a personal journey and no one should dictate what makes you truly happy!
Surround yourself with positive people! This is more important than most people realize.
I recently had a client talk to me about cutting back on her alcohol intake. This is a personal goal she made for herself. She also said she is having to separate herself from friends because they are not very supportive of this change. Now, she’s not dropping her friends but she finding that certain people in her life surround themselves with alcohol and she is choosing to make a change.
Personal goals are always going to be tested by yourself and by others. But imagine the feeling of knowing you have the control to decide the outcome. Coming from a “control freak” myself, this is a fantastic feeling!
f you take nothing else from this post. I hope you take with you that you are in control of your self-worth.
You are beautiful! No matter what the world tells us is beautiful and perfect!
Make You a priority!