This topic comes from all of my clients that are busy moms. What are ways to eat healthy when you’re busy all day and only have downtime late at night.
Pretty much from the moment you open your eyes you are off to the races! Your job consists of getting everyone up, ready for the day, and fed before you can even brush your hair. Then it’s onto driving each child to their daily destinations and by the time you have dropped everyone off its time to turn around and pick everyone up again!
During all this craziness, you have barely eaten, and as soon as you finally sit down for the day you inhale a bag of chips, a left-over grill cheese sandwich, and a bottle of wine. Cramming as many calories as you can because you are so exhausted and in need of a refuel. This cycle can be vicious!
Well the cycle stops here! Here are some simple strategies that will save you time, energy, and calorie overload!
One, prepare your breakfast the night before. This can be whatever you like. Hard boiled eggs, overnight oats, smoothie, etc. This is key to your success for the day. Not only are you going to have more energy, but you won’t be so grouchy to the family! This will also jump start your metabolism. Your body needs food and it needs it often. Skipping meals can only lead to slowing metabolism, exhaustion, and weight gain.
Two, carry snacks in your car. Think of things that don’t have to be refrigerated. Carrots, fruit, rice cakes, protein bars, granola, nuts are all great snacks to carry in the car. This will keep you full as your day takes unexpected turns.
Three, sit down and eat with your family for dinner. A lot of the time moms are so busy making sure everyone else has eaten that they graze the entire time they are preparing the meals. This can cause you to overeat because the graze becomes mindless and the calories unfortunately don’t! Enjoy the food you have prepared and enjoy the company of your family. This will make for a more pleasant experience and a time to talk and slow down.
Last, have some nighttime snacks or sweets for after the kids or family have settled for the evening. Sometimes idled time can be just as detrimental as being too busy. In these situations, boredom causes you to eat, when you’re not even hungry. Make sure you keep some healthy snacks around that won’t put you over the edge after a well-planned meal day.
If you still find that your snack isn’t hitting the spot, drink a glass of water. This will help make you feel full and keep you from grazing the chip bag.
Remember, life isn’t about being perfect – it’s about planning so you will be successful on the imperfect days! Put these 4 ways to eat healthy when you’re busy into practice, and let me know how you do.