3 Simple Things That Will Make You Fall Asleep Easier

Ever find yourself lying in bed trying to fall asleep but just can’t seem to relax?

Ever wonder if there is something you are or are not doing that could help you get to sleep at night? Well here are a few tips to try and help you ease your mind and help you fall asleep at night.


1) Perform Deep Breathing

There is an breathing regulation exercise called “The 4-7-8 Breathing Exercise”, which is suppose to be a natural way to relax the body and put yourself to ease.  It is as simple as breathing, holding your breath, and exhaling.  This technique is believed to work the same as meditation, as a way to clear your mind (Borreli, 2015).


How To Perform:

Step 1: To start you want to exhale forcefully through your mouth.

Step 2: Once you have completely exhaled close your mouth and breath in for four seconds through your nose.

Step 3: After taking in your breath hold it for a count of seven seconds.

Step 4: Then exhale again for a count of eight seconds.

Step 5: Repeat three times for a total of four breaths.

(Borreli, 2015).


2) Write it Out


Ever try to go to bed and as you are lying there start having your mind bombarded with negative thoughts?  Journaling may be the solution you have been looking for!  This technique is easy to implement, instead of sitting there letting negative thoughts overwhelm you, set aside 15 minutes prior to when you want to go to bed and write about a positive experience you encountered that day.  Also, write about how the experience made you feel. This will shift your mind from your negative thoughts towards a more pleasant state of mind.(Andrews, 2014)

If writing isn’t your thing, try reading before bed. Find a book that is interesting to you but not to the point where you get pulled in and end up not being able to stop.


3.) Lights Out

Screen Light not only makes it more difficult for you to sleep, it also inhibits an important hormone needed for sleep called melatonin.  Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland in the brain.  As it becomes dark this gland turns on and melatonin starts to enter the bloodstream. Overhead lighting as well as television and phone screens inhibit the production of melatonin. This is why you may have heard to stay away from screens close to your bedtime. Although you may think it is not enough light to bother you, it is still preventing the pineal gland from doing its job (Kresser, 2013).


Start Reaping the Benefits of Sleep

You can try all three of these or just pick one to start off with. However, you may find that you have greater success with just focusing on one at a time. Once you are consistently doing it then you can add another one of these activities into your routine. Build a routine and start enjoying the health benefits of a great night’s rest.


Is there a routine or activity that helps you fall asleep?



About the Author

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Work out

Andrew Rogers EP-C

I started played soccer until my sophomore year of high school. It wasn’t until I gave up soccer that I found my love for lifting weights.  That was when I began to notice the benefits of exercise. During my time in college, I realized how beneficial exercise was for physical and mental health. I help people adopt a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle and all areas of life. You can find me paddle boarding or in the mountains of my hometown. The only time you will find me sitting around doing nothing is when I’m outside enjoying nature.

“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” -JFK




Andrews, Linda W. “Journaling Before Bed Can Help Ward Off Sleeplessness.” Journaling Before Bed Can Help Ward Off Sleeplessness. Healthgrades, 12 Nov. 2014. Web. 24 Nov. 2015.


Borreli, Lizette. “The Life Hack That Puts You To Sleep In 60 Seconds.”Medical Daily. N.p., 05 May 2015. Web. 24 Nov. 2015.


Kresser, Chris. “How Artificial Light Is Wrecking Your Sleep, and What to Do about It.” Chris Kresser. N.p., 22 Feb. 2013. Web. 24 Nov. 2015.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]